I sent him this afterthought as well
Re: My reply to Geaves -- Jim Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

10/03/2004, 19:15:07
Author Profile

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I just noticed something else.  When you wrote:
... the history of Prem Rawat is significant in understanding contemporary Western spirituality.
you revealed yet another example of why you should have disclosed your being a premie.  I'm sure that you would be hard-pressed to find many people who weren't followers of Rawat who would take that statement seriously let alone agree with it.  I can't imagine that this opinion is one you came by through your scholarship.  If you say it is, I would ask you to refer me to your references and authority.  Frankly, this looks far more like the wishful thinking of one of Rawat's followers than an academic who happens to be studying this group.  So, again, if you want to risk your reputation and professional capital with such outlandish claims, that's your business.  What's wrong, though, is to not put your readers on proper notice that you well might have a conflict that colours your view.

Modified by Jim at Sun, Oct 03, 2004, 19:17:03

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