Re: more than words
Re: Re: war of words (2) -- billy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
San ®

10/01/2004, 07:45:34
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hey billy,

this is way more than words...just for example, 'omniscience' means all-knowing, past present and future.  How could someone who claimed that ability ever since he got here in the 70's say now that he knew nothing about one of his oldest and closest Instructors doing what Jagdeo did unnoticed by his all-seeing eye for four years or more?

The way I see it, even if no one's messages got to him (unlikely) he would have known anyway if he was omniscient.  And knowing, he would have done something to stop it.

So common sense (that most uncommon thing, as he used to say) would say he is either not omniscient or else he is omniscient and allowed it.  Either way it's a F.U.B.A.R.  

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