I was agnostic at twelve
Re: Ouch!! -- POV Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
gerry ®

09/30/2004, 15:35:05
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Like I just told Sandy, the gawd thing was actually a hinderance to me and eventually led me to chuck the whole thing as the meditation wasn't working either. It's really not the button. It's you.

And no, I didn't tell Richard dick about dick. He was a sweet guy, but annoying as hell. Plus he used to use my razor in the ashram. That pissed me off, him with all the staph infected zits on his face.

Richard was tall, thin, and played a mean saxophone. He eventually made it into one of the guru bands. Does that ring a bell with you? I've often wonder what became of him. He probably came to his senses eventually, like most people did.

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