Crusader's of the Lost Revenue
Re: It's the 'non-official' Heavy Fund-Raising Team... -- Cynthia Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Brian S ®

09/29/2004, 21:01:42
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"Global Participation"  seems like a marketing campaign. EV and all are stuck with a lousy product so what are they to do? Well..... create a new pretentiously labeled campaign identified with a lofty statement of intention to sell the same old, same old. Send a group spokes people out on the road to promote (beg) the idea and sell it to your market.

Called global participation this crusade is designed to appeal to the basic human desire/need to be a part of something greater and bigger in life. Global participation, sounds big and important doesn't it?

Its still the same inanely boring videos, the same run of the mill meditation techniques, the same fly in the ointment. The exact same inferior product now dressed in new packaging.

This looks to me like a veiled attempt to enlist the waning support of the remaining diehards to rise to yet another money raising crusade.

Global participation my foot, other than ideas for the procurement and transfer of funds to rawat what else is there to discuss.   

In rawats autocracy, unless there is a donation involved or a one way dedication of time and energy to him there is no purpose for anyone else, no other need to fullfill and no other reason to participate.



Modified by Brian S at Wed, Sep 29, 2004, 21:26:04

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