The Just and Merciful King Litmus Test
Posted by:
San ®

09/29/2004, 19:29:14
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One of the favorite lines premies used on folks like me coming to Guru Maharaji from a 'Judeo-Christian religious-spiritual mindset' was this one:

"Two thousand years ago they were expecting a King and they got a Carpenter."

Now two thousand years later they are expecting a Carpenter and they got a King."

Ok, we bit and bit hard.

Hell, I liked the kid.  He had balls to stand up at thirteen and declare in public that he would establish peace in the world.  He even swore on a Bible and the whole deal, and set up DUO gigs to help all over, as if to say that he was the Messiah without saying those words.  (In retrospect, JC said never to swear, just say yea or nay.)  We bit again harder and locked our jaws because we wanted that to happen with everything in us in our lifetime.  We really sincerely wanted to be in that number, as the old jazz spiritual goes, when the saints go marching in...that's where I was at, and I know I was not alone. 

The only thing that made me let go of that lockjaw bite on Prem being the One was the jaw-dropping stuff that is archived here and that does not meet the test of a just and merciful king.  Just as one example - and I am sure that there are hundreds of other such tales - is the one about Jagdeo and the children.  What would a just and merciful king have done in such a case?  Well, for starters, I believe that a sick and demented person like Jagdeo would not have been able to stand in the presence of a really pure soul and not freak out and come clean about his sickness and his crimes for over four years and/or not be noticed by the king as someone with a problem and then it would have been dealt with much sooner than it was.  And once discovered, what would a just and merciful king do with regard to the victims?  He would reach out with open arms, with open treasury, with open royal household to help heal the victims and compensate the families for their pain and suffering.  Such a king would have sent his own physicians, counselors, accountants to those households to treat the families for their losses due to the unfit prince of that king.  I daresay the King himself would either come to the home to visit the family or invite the family to the palace as his guests to be comforted and supported.  And in the case of children of the kingdom being hurt, I daresay a just and merciful Queen in touch with the Divine Female Aspect would also throw her support to the families and involve herself, too, as the Queen Mother and Nurturer of the Kingdom.  Remember Durga Ji?  Where was she in all this?  Is not God both male and female?  Where was the Divine Female Aspect all this time?  Getting a tan?  Shopping?

The Court of Love, The Family of Love, etc etc etc.  Words.

So many actions that went on offstage but not out of the scope of conscientious premies who would later become conscientious ex-premies were so outrageous that the actions became more important than the words.  If you are in a car with a drunk driver and he keeps telling you he's OK to drive but the car is weaving all over the place, what are you going to believe, his words or the movement of the car?

I did not forsake anything or anyone.  He forsook us and some of us noticed and copped to the fact that the dream was turning into a weird nightmare for some of our brothers and sisters.  And we righteously bought out, after seeking feedback from him and getting nothing back.  A just and merciful king, or even a fair-minded motivational speaker would not have acted like Prem Rawat did, denying he knew anything and not reaching out to the victims from that place he loves to talk about, his Heart Instead, he must have been worried about the legal side of the matter and most likely took measures to protect himself and his 'mission' and his financial empire, hardly the behavior of a just and merciful king whose subjects children had been wronged by a prince in his 'Court of Love'.          

I would not even subscribe to him if all he ever said he was was a motivational speaker, knowing what I know now.  I have had it with the 'do as I say, not as I do' style of teaching, either as a student or as a teacher.  It is hypocrisy and that is not what I want to teach or learn.

Have a nice peaceful evening, everyone.        

Modified by San at Wed, Sep 29, 2004, 19:44:58

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