You beat me to the punch
Re: Re: Patent #5,560,573 -- koeeaddi Top of thread Forum
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09/28/2004, 18:34:44
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GPS units already show the local time for the location you are in. They determine this auto-magically, no? I mean...... it IS the purpose of the unit and all.

Wonder of wonders....... gps units also tell you UTC time AND, now get this boys and girls, some of them have an absolutely accurate pps output (that's pulse-per-second for the uneducated amongst us) that can be used to setup a stratum-zero NTP server. THat pulse is totally accurate because each satellite has its own cesium fountain in it........ you can't go wrong with your own cesium fountain!

Wow, will wonders never cease. I wonder if he is going to lay claim to an IR link to a cesium fountain...... now THAT would be great!

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