Beragons - Patent No.....
Re: They missed out the greatest navigation aid invented by God -- Thorin Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Peter Howie ®

09/25/2004, 17:25:26
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I've held onto mine. Mainly because I had started a little production line in the mid-eighties. A modified design which was a vast improvement over all other models recommended by another brother.  While in the ashram in Sydney I used my step-dads lathe to experiment and develop the inner workings. Buting pipe and getting it anodised, cutting it to longth etc etc

Another brother from the Melbourne ashram bequethed me his stock of arm-rests. I was all set until it was determined by MJ that beragons were no longer needed and that it was either laziness, lack of dedication, or discipline or ...laziness that meant a person needed one. So my stock and dreams bit the dust.

However I have kept one. All the rest have been tossed. It is a funny artifact to keep but it has such complex memories. Moslly that it assisted me to re-engage with the world.


Peter Howie

Brisbane, Australia

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