Thinking about countries he hasn't been to
Re: Re: Malibu prem co-opting religious leaders -- Jethro Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
hamzen ®

09/23/2004, 06:41:25
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If only the Arabs & Israeli's had realized the only practical solution was happiness.......

I didn't realize Malaysia was predominantly muslim. I thought it was buddhist with a large muslim minority.

Has he ever been to Indonesia, Pakistan or Bangladesh?
I certainly don't ever remember him going either to the Arabic middle east, or North African countries such as Morocco, Algeria etc.

Yeah I remember you returning from Malaysia you old saddhu you! Big hugs to you and the mrs and your trippy cat.

Thinking about countries he hasn't been to, central america, ie mexico, nicaragua, el salvador etc. Brazil? Peru? Chile? Bolivia? Ecuador? In africa, think he's done South Africa, but anywhere else? Nigeria, the Congo, Sudan, etc ?? THe old communist countries such as Russia, Poland, Lithuania?

sweden, norway, finland ???

turkey? cyprus?

The pacific islands, Hawaii, Tahiti etc??

Bhutan, Nepal ?? Vietnam? Thailand? Unless my memory is failing me, the number of countries he hasn't been to far outweighs where he has been.

If I'm right, that's a lot of the human race he's shown no interest in.
I thought the whole argument for the ridiculous costs of his planes were the opportunities it gave him to spread this knowledge through all the lands, a man who travels to the four corners of the world spreading the opportunity for peace.

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