Re: Malibu prem co-opting religious leaders
Re: Re: Malibu prem co-opting religious leaders -- Jethro Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Lexy ®

09/22/2004, 10:27:55
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Thanks, Jethro, for your validation of my post and my past.

RE: Pakistan and Rawat's Dad : I had a quick look on the EPO history area ( I think it was ) and in an  obscure book re: history of perfect masters there is a reference to Shri Hans starting out in Lahore ( Pakistan ) and moving to Delhi in 1930 ( because of the fighting pre- independence ?). I also have recollections of him talking about making the journey on foot (?)

All very long ago, but I just thought thats its an interesting Pakistan/Moslem connection.  ( Please see private message )


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