Re: "...that little guy on the stage..."
Re: "...that little guy on the stage..." -- Sanford Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hilltop ®

09/20/2004, 23:53:28
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Hi Sanford,

How does GMJ feel about Prem Rawat opening his mail, spending his money and accepting worship and more in his name?

What a great question... Sanford you come up with some really good points and things to think about. After all what would the Lord of the Universe think about someone like himself who once claimed himself to be greater than God... and now ends up being only a motivational speaker? or master? or a self made man?

Thanks Sanford. I remember the old question "Who is Guru Maharaj JI? propigation ploy to keep everyone guessing about who he is. I'm posting these attachments from a book called "The Living Master" Divine Light Mission 1978. Maybe it can answer some questions about this madness. Maybe not but still take a look...

Sincerely, Hilltop

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Modified by Hilltop at Tue, Sep 21, 2004, 00:05:18

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