Yes I think you are right that for many people it is important as you put it "to rake out these ghosts from the past and make sense of them in a new light".
When I decided to no longer see Maharaji as being someone I follow, I also went though a similar process of understanding the past without all the blinkers on. I also did quite a lot of reading and research on how other cults operated and was amazed at the very strong similarities to what we were use to. And these other cults were not only the big ones out there (Moonies, Scientology, Osho etc) but the numerous smaller cults that exist all over the place. For example in the States there are numerous various small cults (a few hundred people or so each) that have a "leader" who is very controlling, persuasive and charismatic. Some of these, in a very similar way to your Norfolk episode, have taken themselves off to purchased land where they surround themselves 365/24/7 with all their cult trappings, reinforced by their leader.
If you have not already done so, you may find the following pages interesting: