I learned a lesson today about finding humor or humuor in something that I didn't think was funny at first. I didn't recognize or understand at the beginning, that the intention of what was being said by this person wasn't meant to negative or bad in any way. In fact quite the opposite. I mention this because it turned a few lights on in head about my own ~ too quick to judge attitude in finding humor. I realised that it you can't joke about something that has happened even if it was bad then there truely is a problem that needs to be corrected or fixed. And I'm not saying that everything has to be or should be funny either. However, when it comes to Prem Rawat he is by far one of the nastiest jokes around. Almost beyond anything called funny. But I laugh at him anyhow. Heck I laugh at myself too sometimes. I want to Thank ~ Mike, Bunny and others who help me to see a few things along the way. Sincerely, Hilltop
Modified by Hilltop at Sun, Sep 19, 2004, 01:24:37