Hi SandyYou've gotta admit it, you've been a bit rough on some people here lately. Cynthia most of all, IMO. Maybe life has been a bit stressful for you lately, but that's no justification for taking it out on people whose motive for posting here is ultimately the same as yours - to expose Prem Rawat as the fake messiah he once proclaimed himself to be, and still is.
OK, so you say you don't want to preach. "So don't" was the advice you yourself gave to someone (I forget who) who accused you of the self-same thing (or was it "crusading"?) recently.
Sandy, I can never forget the fact that, up until only a year or two ago, you were the main defender of Prem Pal on the forum(s). The wake-up call of the caffeine eventually got to you however, and now you find yourself as passionate as ever, but on the other side of the tracks, as it were. Forgive my inept metaphor, but I hope you can relate.
Having said that, I also have to say that communication with others is indeed the main lifeline in the process of exing - whether from Rawat, tranquillisers, alcohol, heavy drugs or whatever. I hope this forum continues to be somewhere we can all share our experiences, even - or should I say especially? - when that process takes us to places where we have to examine our motives/world-view/prejudices that make us the kind of people who we think we are. Or perhaps should be? But that's another can of worms.
Yes, you could call this post of mine "preaching", though it's not intended to lay down the law for anyone. Tell it how you see it - at whatever stage of exing you're at - and if that means you have to confront aspects of yourself that, on reflection. appear less than honourable, then look to the end result - a more true, more honest being - and keep telling it like it is.
Just don't forget that the way it is now isn't necessarily the way it'll be tomorrow.
And may that thought be with us always.
cq (Chris)