Re: The Mind-Control Controversy...
Re: Re: The Mind-Control Controversy... -- PatD Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

09/13/2004, 09:46:02
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Hi Pat,

Thanks for responding to what I wrote.

There are more connections between the cult apologists than just the motivational consultancies.  There are many connections between destructive cults and some of these sociologists.  They receive funding from some cults and are also endorsed by them.  

Gordon Melton, for instance, has been viewed as a cult apologist because he has affirmed (using his credentials) that Scientology is a regular church by any standards. 

When interviewed in 1988, Melton also said this about Jim Jones Peoples Temple: "This wasn't a cult. This was a respectable, mainline Christian group."

It really beggars belief!  There's a lot more about these characters, and I don't even care that Melton and Introvigne like to dress up as vampires!


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