I have a sense of humor...you are a joke
Re: San, get a sense of humor - and try to focus on the point of the conversation -- nemesis Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Sanford ®

09/12/2004, 23:50:25
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First, you take everything way too seriously - probably an after effect of the cult which will fade in time - let's hope.

>You don't even know me and listen to you, you bloated egotisical freak, probably an after-effect of the cult you were in, trying to be like your teacher. Hopefully, that will fade away in time. -San

Second, your obsession with spirituality and religion is making it hard for you to stay on topic here. Let it go... relax. Have some of that tea you keep talking about. -nem

No obsession here, you namecalling mouse who comes here under a fake name and then tells me how to have it all going on. If you want to be anonymous, fine. But if you do, then don't go telling me how to deal, because it's easy to post when nobody knows you, but when you - YOU - have to own what you say 24/7, then get back to me and tell me how to do it right, OK? Until then, you can be as schizo as you want, with your 9-5 life and your cyber-life where you can say whatever you want to say and not be held responsible for it. -San

It isn't that anyone wants to control how you think or what you believe. You just need to use some circumspection about how you express those beliefs. -nem

Cicumspect this. -San

If we all just rattled off everything we believe, then we would spend all our time just arguing with each other. That's why places like AAA are so great - premies and exes alike can go there and discuss anything from politics to religion. It just doesn't fit in here. -nem

>It amazes me and shows me that I still have that sense of humor you spoke of earlier when I read your words and bust out laughing at the hypocrisy and idiosy of so much of what you say, and how your actions on this very post contradict most of what you advised me against. You still act like a premie who might have had alot some responsibility and magnified it in their mind, or else was just full of themselves and so very self-important, gotta be in charge, guiding the unwashed masses. You are such an imperialist.

See, the thing is that if you post your personal beliefs here, then someone (like me) will post theirs, and so on.... until someone coming here for the first time won't know that this is about Rawat - they will think they have wandered into a forum about god and spirituality. See what I mean? -nem


I will repeat that the forum is here provide truthful information about Rawat. -nem

Maybe you need to read the cover page of this Forum. It is more than you say it is, by its own mission statement. Who the hell do you think you are to interpret what this place is to me or anyone, and then tell me to relax and let you do me like you do others around here. I don't need your guidance, so don't give it unless I ask you for it. Otherwise, you are sticking your head where it does not belong. Practice what you preach, mind your own business and talk your truth about Prem Rawat. -San

Your comment...

"Thanks for the heads up. I thought I was in Bayonne, NJ at a soccer game. Geez, what time is it? -San"

seems to indicate that you know why we are here, so now you need to "walk the walk". -nem

What is your trip? Can't you be original? Go flutter around somebody else and let me be. Anywhere else, this would be harrassment and I could make you stay away from me. But here, I have to endure self-proclaimed vigilantes like you trying to keep me in line so I don't make the Forum look like something it isn't. What a joke! -San

Modified by Sanford at Sun, Sep 12, 2004, 23:53:43

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