I've been reading all this and what can I say?
Re: Re: So what I hear you saying is... -- Sanford Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hilltop ®

09/12/2004, 21:58:46
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Hi Sanford,

Even though I like you Sanford ~ I think you should lighten up with everyone a little bit. I can see that your feelings have been hurt. However, you seem to be over reacting as though everyone is wrong with their thoughts towards you and not understanding what you are saying to them. You make it sound like the Forum 8 people are involved in some kinda conspiracy against you. And you might not like me for saying this... but you don't always have to be right even if you are.

You seem to be taking the responces to your posts all wrong. You might even think that I'm just going "along with everyone else" here by saying what I think. Not true, I enjoy reading what everyone has to say. However, and I don't mean anything bad by it (no one likes being told what to do) I think you should try to respect Cynthia's choice not to drink your tea if she doesn't want to ~ even if your intentions are good.

I also think you have gotten some valid responces to what you have said. Using empathy on how other people might think about what you say helps everyone involved. It can go both ways too with understanding. It's called the double win.

I Hope you don't dislike me now. I say this because I almost expect a negative responce from you by saying this. The fear factor in play here ~ I guess I'm not really afraid or I wouldn't have posted this in the first place. Yikes... I'm in my mind ~ what can I say ~ to many concepts I guess lol.

My Best Thoughts Go To You Regardless....Sincerely, Hilltop

Modified by Hilltop at Mon, Sep 13, 2004, 00:22:15

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