What you're hearing is your own imagination, Sandy
Re: So what I hear you saying is... -- Sanford Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

09/12/2004, 15:00:37
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Really, Sandy, will you knock it off?  There is no "alter [sic] of the intellect". That's just your hyper-religiosity working overtime again.  Get out of misleading metaphors and talk straight and you'll see how dumb this is.  The issue of "mind control" is entirely on-topic here and that's what Cynthia's post is about. 

As for the "attempted mind control" here, don't be stupid.  It's more like attempted "mouth" control and yes, the forum isn't the place for spiritual preaching.  What's wrong?  I thought you recognized that and that's why you kept aplogizing for doing it anyway.



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