The Answer
Posted by: ®

09/11/2004, 20:45:01
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Down below a wee bit, in response to Andries, CQ provided a link to an earlier forum in which Michael Dettmers answered questions about his experience around goober. At one point Dettmers answers a question regarding "Knowledge" that IMHO gives as close an understanding to the this whole mess as we are likely to get:

Dettmers: To me the only thing Maharaji is offering anybody - I don’t care what you call it - is devotion. And I don’t even want to use that in a reverential sense. It’s people worshipping him, that's what he wants. That’s what he truly believes is the only way to experience whatever the hell he’s calling “Knowledge.”

And he’s in a bit of a dilemma in some respects you see, because if he was really interested in offering people freedom or allowing them to experience a better quality of life, he would create an environment in which people were totally free - he would find a way for them to actually learn to live more consciously - in fulfillment. But he’s not doing that. That to me would be one way to interpret what Knowledge is, but what he is perpetuating is dependence. What he is perpetuating ultimately is that, the way you experience Knowledge is through devotion, through loving him, through surrender of some kind.

Now, it’s kind of hard to sell that today so he may have to whitewash it, but if he whitewashes it, it dooms him to irrelevance. He’s kind of doomed either way because I don’t believe the world is interested in gurus, and worship and surrender to another human being, especially to a human being who is so flawed as he is. And that’s why all these stories of the hypocrisy and the lies and the deceit are so devastating. And that’s why it is necessary that he be exposed in this way because he’s not worthy of surrender.

Could it be that this is why goober and EV have embarked on such a scorched earth policy regarding former followers who would merely tell it like it was and is (complete with verbatim speeches and pics). Remove the gris-gris voodoo gumbo regarding the special grace of the master and the poor emporer has no clothes. The receipts dry up, the yacht is sold, Amaroo is shuttered, lenders lose, good Lord, can the watch collection be far behind?

Modified by at Sat, Sep 11, 2004, 20:51:10

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