Wow Mick ~ Absotruthly Great Insights!
Re: the old 'Bait and Switch' scam -- Mick Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Hilltop ®

09/11/2004, 02:24:27
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Let me be the second poster to respond to you. Whoops ~ maybe third. Hi Sandy and cq (two people I happen to like) But Wow Nick!...That is A Fantastic Post! I appreciate what you have said and sharred here...Thanks.

I also want to commend you on your writeing ability. You covered so many aspects of Prem Rawat's greedy mind abusing cult which was & is more of a trap than anything else IMHO. I just hope the younger kids can stay away from it or at least become aware of Prem Rawat's scam if introduced to it.

Again Nick...Great Insights! I usually like to have an attachment when I post...(Habit I guess Lol) so... this one is called the "Bate and Switch" by a fellow poster. I hope he doesn't mind. Ofcourse, you made me think of this reading your words.

Thanks for sharring.... Sincerely, Hilltop

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Modified by Hilltop at Sat, Sep 11, 2004, 11:07:19

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