What "students" say, but isn't allowed to be quoted...
Posted by:
Cynthia ®

09/10/2004, 09:55:40
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One of the arguments on the Wikipedia article is that Maharaji never claimed to be divine and that ex-premies can't prove it, even by providing old quotes of Rawat.  In order to provide some proof of how current premies/PWKs/students still feel about M (being divine) I looked through the ELK (Enjoying Life) website for some expressions that are current and not from the 1970s.  It wasn't time-consuming and these were the ones that stood out to me.

When these were posted on the Wiki discussion page (now archived) a "student"  of Maharaji removed most of them claiming copyright violation.  I'm posting them here anyway.  The dates in purple indicate when these expressions were placed on ELK.

April 9, 2004:

Liberation through listening

Simple giant, gentle master
Royal king of heavenly realms.
I am the dog chasing his tail
Barking at the moon
Don't forget me
As they come in their hundreds, thousands,
Hundreds of thousands and millions
To the well of joy that springs from your words.
"Liberation through listening"
In the darkest days made bright
By the light of the eternal.
I thought of you as friend
But we have never spoken
Nor do you know my name,
Mystic master who subdues my mind
Leaves me still, smiling now.

He moved his toes happily
And for no reason my heart spilled over
Bliss,nectar, sweet intoxication of the divine.
How did I get here?
How did I get here?
Grace and practice.

Grace, that which gives you what you would never have got.

Tim Williams
Brighton, UK
March 26, 2004:
I Live

I live to see the light in your eyes
when you speak of the love we are.
I live to spend forever
in your evershining star.

I live to hear the melody
that your heartsong will make.
I live to breathe in harmony
with every breath you take.

I live to feel the peacefulness
that loving you brings me.
The nectar of love for the master
is the sweetest thing indeed.

Dave Sweet
Malibu, USA
March 1, 2004:

Entering as Waves of Feeling
seated inside of our own Hearts
Experience that Creator and
Live Eternally in Light.

Viji Shivakumar
Sydney, Australia
February 28, 2004:
If there was nothing....

If there were no videos, I would still tell people about this JOY.

If there were no meetings, I would still tell people about this FULFILLMENT.

If there was no technology and all there was is my MOUTH, I would still tell people about this DIVINITY.

If there was NOTHING, I would still tell people about this JEWEL - this KNOWLEDGE of the SELF.

Come! Come and check it out! It's COOL! It's a possibility that you may ENJOY! Come! Come and share the possibility of this good news!

Thank you Prem Rawat for making this possibility POSSIBLE in my LIFE.

Carolina Cacicedo
Miami, Florida, USA
January 5, 2004:
Island of Bliss

the best island of all
is right inside of me
there it is always sunny,warm, blissful
no matter that outside where I live
it is cold , frozen, covered with snow
inside is my paradise
the flowers of love, joy bloom
fresh, alive the island of my heart
the company of my master
is always welcome, close by
and the bliss of Knowledge
flows inside, like an endless river
of all the beautiful islands on this earth
the island of my heart is paradise found
thank you Maharaji for showing me
through the gift of you and knowledge
true heaven on earth
right inside of me
what a way to live
connected to eternity
no fear, feeling free
inside shines the sun of bliss
of true love, of sweet life
pure heart, heaven found

Happy Holidays ~ Happy New Year
with this gift, somehow it will be the best
a sweet heartfelt life ~ sincerely , Janice

Janice Wilson
Baldwinsville, NY, USA
December 9, 2003:
A prayer

Beloved master,I know propagation is your dearest dream, so this is my prayer to you:
Please,share your vision with me,
so my vision can be limitless,
share your compassion with me,
so I can see the beggar beyond the mask,
share your passion with me,
so my effort can be relentless,
You Know who are the thirsties,
put them in my way and
I will tell them where is the water,
help me to give these good news with
clarity, with love and excellence.
Please I beg you, let me help you with propagation, now and forever!

Elena del Castillo
Santa Cruz, Tenerife, Spain
October 12, 2003:
Grant me

O master, grant me the ability that I do only worthwhile deeds and fill my heart with peace. Allow me to cross the ocean of life as such time may not return.

O master, take my pride, banish my poverty darkness and make me a giver, a blissful searcher after true knowledge.

O master, awaken me so that I may never sleep again. Make me a selfless lover .So no danger remains in this world.

You are my only hope
Santilal Lala
East Hampton, NY
October 6, 2003:
I just want to accept it

Life is easy... very easy...
If I don't make it tough,
In my pursuit to make it easy,
I made it tough!
To my surprise,
I found it easy by design!

Life is beautiful... really beautiful...
If I try to see... what is really worth to see!

Life is lovely... truly lovely...
If I accept the feeling that wants to
flow from within my heart...

The checklist is just one thing!

Am I ready to accept it?

O master! What a miracle you had placed within me...
How do I deserve it?
No! no more questions I want to ask...
Let me just become an observer..
Let the joy flow from within,
Let me just stay in the moment..
Let me just say, Thank you for this life!
Pemmadu Raghu Ramaiah
Kalyanadurg, India
September 22, 2003:
Guru, God and Self

They say... Guru, God and Self are one in the same.

And it is within me, as you.

I hope to never forget this, and it's always such a wonderful gift to help the one who helped you, truly know this.

So that with this understanding, we can learn to love, and try to live together as brothers and sisters.
Eric Lang
Mays Landing, USA
July 17, 2003:
Maharaji's heart

Maharaji's Heart Feels Like Forever
Embracing You In So Much Peace
You Can Always Become
One With It

Aliene Hughes
Santa Monica, Ca, USA
April 5, 2003:
My Guru (GU - darkness, RU - light)

You offered three blessings.

First ... Your precious precious precious tehniques of Knowledge,
Second ... Your intelligent, clear, soothing words, that transcend my ignorance,
Third ... sharing the same practical and most noble life effort with you.

I take all three, for within these I've found all of me and all of you.
Ziga Valetic
Ljubljana, Slovenia
From "Days with K",  June 8, 2003:

Magdeline Pereira: Crying wolf From Eureka, California

I remember one of Prem Rawat's stories about how sometimes when a baby cries quite apparently for no reason. I have seen my 2 year-old nephew do that. My sister-in-law calls it crying "wolf".

His diaper's been changed. He's been breast fed. He's completely satisfied and gurgles with delight. Then some one has to just look at him the wrong way and he cries these intermittent long hollow cries like he's faking it.) ) )

I do that sometimes. After practising and being blissed out and making sure that what does need to be in my focus in walking this tight-rope of Life starts drifting into the unconciousness of self-deception.

I am loved. As only the master of devotion can truly love me.  All the other loves are like morsels of delight at a feast of the imaginary.

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