Attempt at translation
Re: Corruption, Idieology, Whaddya Expect? -- Juan Carlo Finesseti Top of thread Forum
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11/09/2005, 06:35:51
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I think what Juan is trying to say is that we got caught in a belief system where we more or less held the same beliefs as other premies. Then we got out of it, and as discussions here and elsewhere prove, we no longer collectively have the same beliefs as other premies or ex-premies. However, the tendency to adopt reasonable sounding beliefs is not so easily shaken off, and these discussions that show that as a group we no longer have shared beliefs, also show that we still enthusiastically embrace or retain beliefs. And having done so, we gravitate towards others that have those beliefs, and walk right back into the same trap we escaped from. Only this time, we think we won't get fooled again.

How we use this knowledge to change the human condition is something I would be interested in knowing. It seems that our tendency to embrace beliefs, and gather together with others who have the same beliefs, is what brings change. Individuals who question all assumptions and try to shun beliefs tend to remain ineffective individuals (unless they become leaders of groups who believe in them!).

(I didn't understand the 90% bit of Juan's post.)


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