Re: Most premies don't realise it's bullshit
Re: Most premies don't realise it's bullshit -- Anna Top of thread Forum
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11/09/2005, 05:07:41
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I didn't realise that these international important engagements etc and the general boasting about numbers at programmes ,receiving Knowledge etc were stage- managed bull-shit until I read EPO and started reading the forum.Even then it took some time to sink in.

I had sometimes been puzzled as things didn't seem to add up....I didn't,for example understand the horrible elitism among premies...and the higher up the ladder the more elite. Honchoes staying in expensive hotels; big donors getting front row seats and almost having an official entry ,doled up to the nines like stars at a premier, at events.I couldn't ever see how this squared with equality ,brotherly love or ( and above all) HUMILITY. All clawing their way to hang out with Prem's daughters and then boast about ridiculous!

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