It's because they are in a cult....
Re: Re: This is the same bullshit that happened in San Francisco -- T Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

11/08/2005, 14:44:48
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It's like the discussion Paddy and I are having in the thread below.  By definition, if you are a member of a cult, you cannot, under any circumstances, criticize the cult leader.  It it just forbidden, and for most premies, it is so internalized, and they aren't even consciously aware that they can't/won't do it.  In any other aspect of their lives, be it employment, politics, sports, etc., they are probably free to criticize leaders, institutions or belief systems, but the cult belief system is off limits.

So, when something like this happens, or, even worse, like pedophilia with Jagdeo, or knowing that Rawat had sex with premies not his wife, or the rank revisionism and lies that Rawat puts out, all a premie can do is put them all in a file cabinet called "do not consider," and if they don't they have allowed doubt to enter, and that cannot happen, or they are out of the cult.

And I think this mind control continues even after somebody leaves.  I mean, it's hard even to get ex-premies to talk publicly about all this stuff, and premies, well, that is out of the question.  It would be impossible for a premie not to see obvious flaws in Mr. Rawat, obvious errors and megalomania, but they repress that so strongly that not only would they never say it, they probably do not even allow themselves to think it.

Like I said to Paddy, this kind of mind control is the basis of all cults, not just the Rawat cult.  It is the only way they survive.

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