Re: Very good observation...
Re: Very good observation... -- Mike Finch Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

11/08/2005, 12:33:54
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Sure, every group has internal lingo, etc., but with the Rawat cult it's much more intentional and organized, and it has always gone on, from what I recall, at least after about 1976, when what "new people" were told was different than what premies openly discussed and believed.  Now, it is just much more blatant.

I can recall the rationalization I had to go through, thinking that people "weren't ready" to hear the whole truth about who or what Rawat was, and what knowledge was, and what "the experience was," or even what the whole thing was about (devotion v. an experience of internal bliss).

This is something only a cult can do so blatantly and get away with it, because the members of the cult who know the "true" story, accept the misrepresentations as necessary, part of a "divine plan" beyond their understanding, etc.

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