Yeah, you're right: a full-on PR campaign to
Re: I think Rawat still fears the press -- Joe Top of thread Forum
Posted by:

11/07/2005, 18:47:44
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. . . salvage Rawat's messed up image. Dear ol' Bob (Mishler) had it right and Rawat should have listened. Instead he let his greed and ego run rampant. After you've appeared on the public stage gussied up as Krishna, screamed at your followers to surrender and devote themselves to your holy lotus feet, run a veritable slave camp to cater to your aviator whims, built yourself a Malibu fortress that Ghengis Khan would feel at home in and generally run-amok with the lives and largesse of your converts, then its time to re-name, re-tool and re-brand big time.

Modified by at Mon, Nov 07, 2005, 19:32:20

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