Where does your former group rate on the Group Psychological Abuse scale?
Posted by:
MarinaDelray ®

11/05/2005, 17:13:16
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Participate in an Online Survey - Where does your former group rate on the Group Psychological Abuse scale? (These might include your former affiliation to religious, psychotherapeutic, political, commercial, and other groups)

I would like to compare the responses by a large cross-section of online former group members to a previous survey conducted in 1996. Where do the abusive groups rate today compared to that earlier survey? Here's the survey:


I've checked, and bzoink doesn't insist on your registration to participate. If you want to see your results, however, you will have to register.

The 1996 survey results (warning, very dry).


If you would like a copy of my final results, or have a personal comment on the survey, send me an e-mail at Marina_Delray@hotmail.com . I will be compiling the results in a month. Give me a week or two after that for analysis.

Related link: http://www.bzoink.com/S36814/Group_Psychological_Abuse_Scale.html

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