Ah yes, where would I be without the Gita of all things?
Re: It's all in the Gita Jim. -- AJW Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jim ®

10/28/2005, 09:30:32
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Yes, God blessed the day I first bought the Gita.  What a wonderful turn that was in my life, eh?

Anth, at this point, every small bother and irritation have long since melted from my memory where Europe now glistens like a perfect holiday snow globe.  I keep shaking it upside down and turning it over just to see everything and everyone flying a bit, then falling, slowly, gently back in place.  You and Dot keep landing in Barnes.  Sometimes Dot lands on her feet here and there (tricky in a snow globe) but you, for some reason, always end up lying face up in the middle of the living room floor.  Even though it's a big snow globe, everything's still very small, Anth.  So I couldn't say what it is you're holding.  You do seem to be smiling though.  Well, like I said, everything's very, very small.  Here, I'll shake it again.  That's the fun part.

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  • LOL. (ot) --- AJW ( Fri, Oct 28, 2005, 09:51:46 ) ( 107 bytes )