Hi JoeYou are meaning the Rejoice events.
...and some people came back.
I am not talking about active premies, those who 'came back'. I am talking about people who simply got K - 'premies' in DLM/EV's definition as people who learnt the 4 techniques of K in M's agya, meaning either from him personally or from one of his instructors.
M's sessions that I attended in mid 80's to 90's were often 40 or 50, sometimes bigger, and for some periods he was doing them every week or so.
Why did it drop after mid-90's? I don't know. If I were to guess, I would guess it is just because he got bored doing it - he was even then talking about making giving K 'automatic', meaning K being given by DVD or video.
I would also suggest that those who did get K from that era were not that useful to him as far as cash donations went. Once that era of ashrams was gone, and the whole vibe that went with it, you lost that pool of dedicated premies who wanted to surrender all their money to the Lotus Feet.
I am not suggesting that M regards Knowledge only as a cash cow - I think he does believe he is the Perfect Master, and that he has an altruistic motive in giving K - but I suspect monetary income comes into the calculation somewhere.
-- Mike