There is a show called "Words of Peace with Prem Rawat" on cable acess channel 29 in San Franciso at 7 PM on Mondays. It's preceeded by a show called "Kung Fu Hustle," and before that "The Light of the Kaballah." Following Rawat's gig is a show called "Making Him Known," a Christian show, a show called "Goat Dreams," followed by what appears to be a conspiracy theory show called "9/11 Cover-up."
Other cults also have shows on this channel, including Gangaji, Eli, Master Ching Hai, Fawn Wolf, and something called "Jagad Guru Speaks," and also Rahamadeye. That cult leader Andrew Cohen is on all the time, it seems. The Bahais have a couple of shows too.
Anyhow, you get the drift. Plus, the cult does, from what I have seen, ZERO advertising for its show, so unless you are kind of flipping through cable access, you would never know it's there.
Plus, let's face it, Rawat ain't cute no more, and doesn't look that great on TV. He badly needs an eye lift, for one thing. It's kind of shocking considering what he used to look like. Also, he obviously needs some exercise. He looks like Mao.