Re: depends on the definition of 'premie'
Re: depends on the definition of 'premie' -- T Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

10/19/2005, 16:32:56
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Right.  I was defining "premie" as anybody who has received knowledge, and "active premie" as somebody who actually does practice, or goes to an event, or gives money, or does SOMETHING more than just receive knowledge.

I agree that at least from anecdotal experience, there are lots of people who don't practice knowledge, really, on any kind of regular basis, (actually that is probably the majority of "active" premies), but who might show up at some event to check back in with acquaintances.

I was surprised at the number of premies, who I would say are "active" who said they didn't go to the recent Amaroo event, for example, because they were "too busy" or found it financially difficult.  I thought those were strange excuses, given the context of what they claim to believe.

This is a dilemma for Maharaji.  If he becomes too secular the old faithful lose interest.  If he becomes to much "god" again, then he isn't able to get any new members.  It has been interesting to see him waver back and forth as the need arises, as well as his attempts to do both at the same time, keeping the "God" stuff hidden in "private" events like in Amaroo.  Unfortunately, it gets out.

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