Before (if) you go, thanks! It's nice that you have taken on so much to expose Rawat.I exited quietly - life just grew until Rawat was an irrelevance, and I gave him no further thought until I came across your site. It caused me to rethink. It clarified what I had quietly learned out there in the rest of the world.
I read a lot, then posted a few things, and then wondered why I bothered. Why not carry on looking to the future, why look back? As you say, there are many many finer things in life.
Rawat is a pain in the arse, but there are worse things in life too than being duped by a man in a crown (aren't crowns just great duping tools?!). Even as crap religions go, Rawatism isn't the worst. The rise of Christian and Islamic fundamentalism has far more serious consequences....
But Rawatism is at least the evil I know. I haven't the power to unseat Bush or Bin Laden - might as well just contribute where I can to exposing bullshit. A doctor doesn't often go looking for the sickest patient - he treats those that are around him. We know Rawat - we may as well deal with that.
It's shit though eh? I am reminded of the bit in the bible - love your enemies. Strange one that isn't it? I wonder if it might have been meant in the way that without enemies, we would have nothing to fight against, and fighting against what we dislike clarifies who we are. Without a fight, we wouldn't find allies either.
Don't underestimate the value of your work. It IS shit though