...Hi Hamzen,
Somehow I've got a "mixed" asian-chill style tape of Charnanand singing a song called " O my beloved, come back to me".It's really cool.Did you mix it ? Does anyone else know who made this recording? I heard that Charnanand was really cross about the mixing of his devotional(?) song.I've got tapes and cds of M,s speeches but no MP3s.
Could you "mix" other devotional songs or does that transgress copyright?
Excellent idea to play devotional music and have ex-premies talking about their experiences
, recalling premiedom stories or being interviewed, between the tracks. IMO could be loads of fun. Just the freedom to talk the truth ( after all those years of being gagged) and air it to whoever's listening. The shock value for any premies tuning in!But then, I'm a bit odd.....others might see it as boring.......