Good point!
I wasn\'t comparing Mandela to Maharaji. I was comparing Mandela to exes. That after 27 years in jail he forgave his captors and the people who put him there and worked for reconciliation.
Fine, compare me with Mandela. I was "in jail for 27 years", funny coicidence. I accept your proposition.
How can there be any reconsiliation WITH MY CAPTOR if he doesn't even want to answer my mail? There is no work to be done to reach an resolution because only one side is open to do it. Guru is untouchable and unreachable.
You feel compelled to defend him, I understand. You are in serious trouble. Please, read this satsang and deny that you surrender your mind and ego to Maharaji.
Your faulty reason BTW is not really yoru fault. You put all your trust in Rawat and your thinking is its end result.