This is posted below in response to reporter's arrogant statement that I couldn't possibly know about rawat and knowledge. The attitude that first hand knowledge is a requirement for knowing and understanding a thing is absurd and presumptuous. I've not been bitten by a snake or scorpion, but I am aware it is a thing to be avoided.
I was indeed an aspirant, spent over two years watching videos, listening to audio tapes, etc. Got as close as scheduling my trip to an "Asking for Knowledge session." The sick feeling I got deep inside when I made those arrangements and spoke to the people in the city I was traveling to was a warning for me and I canceled the trip and my session. Then I began to look more deeply into what I was about to do. And, oh my gosh, what I learned.As the regular posters here know, I live with knowledge every day. Only I see it from the outside and its effects on those around the premie, not from inside with rose colored glasses. I see its effect not only on me and my marriage, which is horrific enough, but on the PWK's entire life, the relationships, if you can call them that, with other family members. It is a disturbing legacy Prem Rawat is leaving behind, one which I cannot imagine any normally functioning human being would be proud of. I would say that my opinions of Rawat have more basis in fact than do yours, reporter. Mine are clearly thought out, arrived at after much searching, reading and thought. "Unjustified negativity"? Hardly. It is your arrogance which is unjustified. And disgusting.