Re: Re: Henna, did you delete a post of yours? -- Lexy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Henna ®

10/03/2005, 16:52:46
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I deleted it because I had no time to proofread it and found some errors and I had to go to work.

Warning others is very appropiate, warning others of the hidden trap REPORTER haven't yet escaped from, because same way we did, little by little reporter gave away reasoning and became a parrot repeating WHAT MAHARAJI WANTS YOU TO BELIEVE. 

Reporter havenā€˜t figure yet he/she got trapped in Rawhat's deceitful gig. 

The public needs to know.  The techniques is not what M has for people but a dependant bondage with him. Practice K is fine, if that is what you want, being devoted to him is what is wrong and we "exiters" know that the end is exactly accepting him as Lord.

The public needs to know and be warned.  Prem Rawat is a liar and an opportunist.  He asked for decades for money to propagate knowledge around the world.  Why didn't he used the money for propagation? He always said EVERY HUMAN BEING NEEDS K, but in reality, he had no intention in giving K to everybody, otherwise, all the money he got from us FOR PROPAGATION could have been used in the right time to bring PUBLIC ATTENTION through the media.  He would have used that money to do it, but instead he choose to enrich himself and live in luxury, luxuries he acquired lying to us and evading taxes.  I don't have the time to dig for videos were Maharaji constantly, in a very tricky way, said that if we didn't supported "his dream" of spreading K we were not real devotees.

Reporter have forgotten a lot of the past and think of it as unimportant, BECAUSE GURU WANTS IT THAT WAY. "Now is now" is an easy way the guru has always used to instigate in the devotees minds that reasoning and thinking in the past is not usefull.  BULLSHIT. How he got to be so filthy rich is important.  " GIVE, Money is needed for propagation" my butt.... PREM RAWAT IS A ROBBER.... 

The public needs to know the hidden meaning of his "peace" formula offer.

(1) Hidden Trap: K is NOT free. He only wanted/wants money. He offers something that is within you, free of charge, but he MAKES MONEY, even if Elan Vital continues denying it.  He has profitted in the past and profits in the present.  EPO is full of proof.

(2) False Freedom Trap:  If you want to cease living life as an individual, get into the cult.  Little by little a person gives away her/himself to the new way of thinking.  Don't all premies talk alike?  BRAINWASHING does that.... Rawhat will give you K if you PROMISED that you will stay in touch with him FOREVER.  In my old days, I had to make a full pranam in front of his photo and promised to surrender my life TO GURU MAHARAJ JI IN ORDER FOR THE TECHNIQUES TO BE SHOWN TO ME.  I was already there... yeah, I should walked away... BS....K is inside but a person has to stay "learning and being helped" by him FOREVER.  Public, beware.

(3) DEVOTION Trap: The goal Rawat has in mind is that after receiving K  a person will develop devotion toward him, accepting him as the most high authority in "Truth", AKA GOD. 

(4) No Doubts Trap: Never, never, never doubt the master.  HE DOES TELL PEOPLE TO AVOID DOUBTS... Where is the individual freedom if I am told what to think?  Oh, but premies interpret this as benefitial... by the grace of the guru.... BULLSHIT.... If a person  doubt him the rest WOULD BE history, so, guru chichishi tells you to avoid thinking bad thought s about him: How convinient is that?  Hilarious!!!  He manages his bussiness in a way that you will always be in the dark, unaware of how the gig works.

The public has the right to know what is behind his peace promise. A CULT FULL OF SECRETS, in the name of bliss. People who worship Satan also feel bliss.  Interesting, isn't? Maharaji is not a benevolent power. He DOES NOT SENDS PEOPLE FREE but binds people to him. In order to remain as a premie ( lover) you MUST stay in touch with him, trapped by false "love" forever.  How good that sounds?  Yuck!

Reporter, ENJOY YOUR "FREEDOM".... you make me want to puke... and yes, ugliness is part of life.  I don't have any problem using my time calling a lie a lie, especially, when he still affects my life, my family.  NOT to tell would be sickening.  Venting is good.  Nobody else that I know know what a heck happened to me and my family.  Can you imagine if I try to explain this to a neigbour?  LOL ,that would be something, no, I am not about to try it, especially sharing that I traveled in a plane for 10 hours to kiss a pair of smelly feet. 

MAHARAJI SUCKS AND WILL continue "sucking" until I receive his appologies as I requested long ago.

Henna, in a barking day... lighting the match,  the light is getting brighter.

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