What vitriol and abuse against people whose only interest is to live in peace?
Re: Amaroo -- reporter Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
paddy ®

10/01/2005, 21:40:14
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Reporter is accusing people here of things they have not done as if they were incontrovertable facts.

How you can get so angry about this simple intereaction is beyond me?

Who is angry about this and how could you know they were!

So much vitriol and abuse against people whose only interest is to live in peace.

What vitriol and abuse is being given against the premies?

If you want a teacher who has never fallen over, you'll be looking for ever.

Who is looking for a Teacher? I know that I've learnt I don't need a teacher to live a happy, peaceful, worthwhile life. But if I thought I did need a "teacher" then it would be one whose life was in synch with his teachings and certainly not one like Prem Rawat.

I can only hope that you don't apply the same criticism to yourself that you apply to Maharaji and premies, if you do, you would have to be filled with self loathing.

And that will only make you angry and sad.

I certainly do apply the same criticism to myself as I apply to premies and Prem Rawat. From the little I know of Prem Rawat it is obvious he fails those standards and most of the premies I know meet the standards of decency and honesty I look for though they fall down in the area of clear thinking about Prem Rawat and their beliefs about him. As I'm one of the happiest people I know then looking at life with my standards (they aren't all that high) isn't making me either angry or sad.

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