In being so magnanimous, I think you are not being open to all evidence especially on EPO, that M is a hypocrite who doesn't practise what he preaches. His inspirational speeches are designed to inspire people to boost his ego and his wallet, nothing more. There is no knowledge - there is meditation, and devotion, and he sells them both in a bundle as if they belonged to him.A cult is a cult. It was a long time before I acknowledged I was a smoker. At first, it was just a few fags when I was at a pub or a party. I was a social smoker. Then weekends too.... I must have been on 20 a day before I acknowledged I was hooked! Going to M's events but not being in a cult is like being a 'social' smoker. (I notice they have recently found that just 2-3 cigarettes a day is almost as dangerous as 20 a day, in terms of lung cancer and heart disease.)
Accepting the spiritual benefits of M's inspirational speeches is a bit like having just a few puffs... hypocrisy can really damage your health.
Keep poking around EPO - you have nothing to thank M for.