Posted by:
Danny ®

09/30/2005, 08:29:07
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Rather than waste time arguing point by point with you as this will resolve nothing. You have your belief and will defend it to the end I guess. Congratulations!
Rather I want to propose a scenario for you.

Imagine yourself dreaming of the day when you are able, along with your fellow cult followers, to move to an island.... live totally isolated from 'the world', and enjoy the "bliss" of belonging to m.

Imagine..... no ex's to bring up uncomfortable facts.
Imagine..... no governments to restrict your master from doing as he pleases.
Imagine .... no having to face reality.
Imagine..... a life of no thoughts.
Imagine..... a life free from questioning anything about m.
Imagine .... not having to justify what you or other cultists do.
Imagine .... darshan every day.
Imagine ....
Imagine ....
Imagine ....

You are now free of having to take any responsibility, you are free to worship m without guilt, you are now free to be his perfect servant.

You are now a slave!

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