They seem to do that alot. They address issues that one wouldn't normally address in such a way as to make them seem defensive and like they are hiding something. Kind of strange, funny and amateurish all at the same time.I have heard that they took some expensive professional PR advice at some time. Either they didn't follow it or the expensive advice wasn't worth the money.
It's kind of like saying, 'and Prem Rawat will not be claiming that he is God' or 'no one will be kissing Prem Rawat's feet.' (or probably they will be. Do they still do that there?)
I agree that premies seem to be in their own little world. I know that was the case when I was involved and it still seems that way. Most of the things they say or do in an official capacity, which I imagine only happens after long deliberation and strategic planning, make them look any better to the outside world than if they had done nothing. On the contrary it makes them look worse. But maybe it is all for themselves and to satisfy the few stragglers that are still 'with the program.'
I don't know, they do have all those damning Mala and Krishna costume pictures to deal with. Why don't they just say that those were his pyjamas in those days and it was just a terrible confusion, because Westerners didn't know that every Indian boy wears red and gold glittery pyjamas with a big hat on to bed at night. As for the mala they could say, 'well you know, it's really hot in India, and most people can't afford air conditioning, so those flower shirts keep you much cooler'
Dant, just trying to help out where he can