Hi Anth, I think the point of view you express here highlights the whole ambiguity that was necessary for entrapping the vulnerable into a life of devotion. The ambiguity is very apparent in 'Service'. In the initial stages of being reeled in, it is interpreted as a service to humanity - spreading knowledge for the betterment of the individual experience, and humanity as a whole (although the humanity aspect has been abandoned since it has become evident that this is definitely not working). However as involvement develops, the interpretation of 'Service' is clarified as service to Maharaji (this clarification was, I believe, the point of the trainings that were conducted around 1999-2001, i.e., to rid premie culture of any notions of, or associations with, 'Service' as service to people, particularly other premies).
There is also ambiguity around the interpretation of 'Knowledge'. Is it the techniques, as implied by the expression 'receiving Knowledge'? Or is it satsang, service, and meditation, as a means of realizing devotion? From my present point of view, I believe this ambiguity is a result of Rawat's dishonesty in obfuscating his primary purpose of creating and maintaing his opulent lifestyle, off the backs of 'sincere seekers of truth', at the same time as making a song and dance about his life's purpose being to bring peace to the world through 'Knowledge'. The whole set-up, both physical and mental, for me at least, is going to take years of unravelling.
George, desperately seeking Sense