Let's be fair now Steve, Prem HAS thought of others
Re: Re: Just a question? -- Steve Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Jethro ®

09/19/2005, 06:28:37
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I listened to him years and years and years and I can rememeber an occassion or 2 when he cared for someone..well almost.

He had visited some place to do a program and he described how he went for a walk around the city he was in and he saw this child who was almost clothesless(obvioulsy in poverty)and this child was playing with a hoop. He said he could see that the child, even though he was in poverty, was getting so much happiness from playing with that hoop, that he mercifully did not did not disturb the child's happiness by giving some money.
(Many ordinary mortals would have been stupid enough to offer at least some food, if not money;but Prem knew better)

And then there was the famous newspaper vendor who Prem felt sorry for and wanted to buy up all the vendor's newspapers, but Prem just knew that if he did that the vendor would expect the same thing to happen next day and the next etc.
So Prem, in his compassion, did not make the vendor more miserable than he was and only bought one (or none)

Such compassion and love that only the Perfect Master could give.

Modified by Jethro at Mon, Sep 19, 2005, 07:06:57

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