Re: "just"
Re: Re: "just" -- paddy Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
PatD ®

09/12/2005, 07:47:08
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That's a pretty puzzling conclusion you've come to there.

Surely if someone claims they can show you god, then either they can or they can't, & if they can't then why would they leave themselves open to ridicule by so doing?

Then of course there were all those people who'd already received k, & significant minority of whom looked like something major had happened. Those luminous faces of yesteryear.

I don't understand ''false system of beliefs''. There was no belief system that could have immunised anyone who was actually curious enough to get the k, from the consequence that you do see light within if you do the meditation. In the total absence of any alternative explanation as to why that was, then one was forced to accept the one given.

I would also say that as time went on the 'cult' aspect of the cult became ever more obvious, & then the recruitment started to tail off big time. Most people joined up before then,but of course once initiated,for them it was too late.

I don't have any problem with putting the responsibilty for my own involvement firmly on the shoulders of Rawat, his family, & his father's organisation. I wasn't looking for anything at that time, & my 1st exposure to satsang happened because I felt like spending a day hanging out in London. Interestingly, the friend I went with ran a mile, because it reminded him of his Quaker upbringing........

Gotta go, lunchtime is over.

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