hey I was just in Asheville
Re: Update on Knoxville/WCQS radio -- Karen K Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
dant ®

09/11/2005, 13:42:12
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I live in Berlin now but I was visiting my mother who lives in the mountains about an hour from Ashville. So we flew into the Ashville airport. Also strangely enough, a very old friend of mine whom I hadn't seen in over 15 years just moved there. A friend of the family you might say and is also a premie. In fact she is the first premie I ever met and the person who brought me to satsang for the first time. I guess she must have received knowledge when she was 15.

So we visited her after arriving at the airport. Somehow the Maharaji issue came up and it was kind of strange and interesting. She was never really all that involved and actually I assumed that she had nothing more to do with it, but it turns out that she still sort of meditates and goes to programs when it is convenient. She actually went to the Knoxville program so I've heard.

Also in our short conversation she made it clear that she didn't want to know anything negative about Rawat because it would ruin her world view or something. Kind of like "if I am living in a house of cards I don't want to know about it." Kind of funny and silly. Maybe that is where your old friends are at too.

Then she made a feeble effort to defend Maharaji by saying that someone "high up" told her that Maharaji always had money because someone gave him 10 million when he first came to the West and then he invested in wisely. I replied by saying bullpoop and that I myself helped pack the dough in briefcases so I should know. Then she said, "I don't want to know" in classic Sergeant Schultz fashion. As I said, kind of funny and silly. So we just dropped it and had a nice afternoon together. Ashville also seems like a nice town. I did tell her that it was all her fault that I wasted those precious years in the ashram though.

Modified by dant at Sun, Sep 11, 2005, 13:42:29

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