Re: The choice was presented as whether or not to deny the Messiah
Re: The choice was presented as whether or not to deny the Messiah -- cq Top of thread Forum
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Scot ®

09/11/2005, 07:35:45
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I had friends who I used to smoke up with way back in the 70’s, and even though our days had little purpose, they had FUN. We were fools, but, as a fool once said, “No fools, no fun!” And it was through these very friends that I was introduced to the bizarre but fun world of Maharaji. So at the time, it was a conscious choice that I made, to enter the wacky but strangely rewarding world of DLM. And I was not tricked by my idea that it was going to be a long, freaky but wonderful ride. I really wasn’t looking at Ji, or the mahatmas, but the premies, and man, they were excellent. We were excellent disasters, a thousand times more interesting than any totally responsible pinhead who was making every correct career move. It was crazy, but you felt alive. It lived, way back when. If it hadn’t been systematized into the maximum profit yielding juggernaut that Rawat wanted and eventually got, I might still be trying to defend it from its critics. But PR sanitized it to the point where I couldn’t get much fun out of it . . . well, next to none. It all became so CORRECT under his guidance. It was like everything else - jobs, school, politics - slick, and boring.

What Makes Sense is one angle of criticism you can hit Rawat from, but there are lots of angles, and one is What Is Kickin’. That is a big one for me. Maybe we all just got old, but I think the terrific energy of the early days, when there were no videos, could have been kept going at some fairly high level, if there were any understanding of its value, or any understanding of value other than monetary, at the top. We were all guided into passive consumer roles in Élan Vital, and the big wave we all surfed back in the Divine years subsided.

So much of what passes for wisdom tends to produce dull and stale experience in life. But hey, the magic ingredient of belief will always start up, like forest fires are always starting up and burning all that valuable wood slated by the paper product companies for toilet wad mouth wipes and snot balls. Ever been to grade school? Now there’s some heavy brainwashing, and it’s no fun at all. At least there was considerable fun in the cult. Like everything else, it became systematized, and dull. We all got to know what was expected of us in our roles, as management always wants us to learn, and then the energy is Out of there. As weird as the cult was, it had a lot in common with the most respectable of institutions.

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