The Prem Rawat Foundation to provide relief to victims of Hurricane Katrina/smaller>/color>/fontfamily> /smaller>/color>/fontfamily>
(Please accept our apologies for the typo in our previous message which is corrected below. Your response to this plea to aid hurricane victims has already been most heartening. Thank you for all your support.)/smaller>/fontfamily>
When Katrina hit Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, and Florida, hundreds of thousands of people were left without food and shelter, and in horrific, unsanitary conditions. It appears that thousands may have lost their lives. Survivors face daunting difficulties: many have lost everything and have nowhere to go. Concerns about potential for cholera, typhoid, and dehydrating diseases are mounting. It will likely take months for the devastated areas to become habitable again. During this time, survivors will need help./smaller>/fontfamily>
Volunteers from TPRF, the organization through which Prem Rawat spearheads significant humanitarian initiatives, are currently exploring the best ways to bring relief to hurricane victims most in need./smaller>/fontfamily>
Your donations to this humanitarian initiative are most welcome/smaller>/color>./smaller>/fontfamily>
Linda Pascotto/smaller>/fontfamily> /smaller>/fontfamily>
President, The Prem Rawat Foundation /smaller>/fontfamily>
An important part of the mission of The Prem Rawat Foundation is to help improve the quality of life for people most in need. Read about TPRF's relief efforts in the US Gulf Coast and other humanitarian activities./color> /smaller>/fontfamily>
The Prem Rawat Foundation/x-tad-smaller>/smaller>/color>/fontfamily>
P.O. Box 241498/x-tad-smaller>/smaller>/color>/fontfamily>
Los Angeles, CA 90024/x-tad-smaller>/smaller>/color>/fontfamily>
Tel: +1 (310) 392-5700 | Fax: +1 (310) 388-3231/x-tad-smaller>/smaller>/color>/fontfamily>>/smaller>/color>/fontfamily>