Here is the reply.
Thank you for this information about Prem Rawat. We will use it to evaluate the appropriateness of any future requests we may receive to promote his lectures.
Ed Subkis
At 09:55 PM 8/26/2005, you wrote:
Dear Ed Subkis,
I am a long time listener and supporter of WCQS Public Radio. I was quite surprised to hear this afternoon an advertisement for Prem Rawat and his program in Knoxville. I don't know if you are aware of this, but Prem Rawat is the leader of a destructive cult. He used to be called Guru Maharaj Ji and he was the head of Divine Light Mission. Then he changed his title to Maharaji and his organization to Élan Vital. Now he promotes himself as the world's foremost expert on peace.
Before you continue to take money from his followers and promote him, you might want to check out what some of his former followers say about him on these following sites.
Karen Kirschbaum
EarthLink Revolves Around You.
Ed Subkis, General Manager
73 Broadway
Asheville, NC 28801
828-253-6875 (voice) 828-253-6700 (FAX)