You’d think it was pretty simple for a 23 year old whose parents had been lifelong students of Prem Rawat, all his life at any rate, to work out whether Knowledge (or Self-Knowledge as it was back in 2001) was all that Prem Rawat said it was, wouldn’t you?The first, but certainly not the only, test would be whether or not both his parents had been blissfully immersed in inner peace, an inner peace from deep within, all that time. If they had been experiencing a life so more blissful than the neighbours or their family members who weren’t “premies” then that should be pretty obvious and then it might be worth pursuing and if only one of them had, it would probably also be worth pursuing. But if they had only been experiencing some inner peace some of the time how blissful would it have to appear and how often before it was worth pursuing? And why weren’t the parents watching videos of Rawat regularly instead of on and off? Maybe they weren’t staying in touch all the time?
And what exactly is “inner peace”? That is a pretty indefinite term and even if young d had been paying a lot more attention to those videos over the years he still mightn’t be able to define it but Rawat has at least been consistent in his hyperbole so d could no doubt agree with the Supreme Court Judge Potter Stewart who said of pornography that he might not be able to define it but he knew it when he saw it
If people were simple and straightforward then the children of those premies having very high and constant levels of peace and bliss, if there any, would be more likely to become premies than those with parents whose lives were, well, not very peaceful or blissful. But that hasn’t been the case with the second generation premies I’ve known. They all seemed to be nice kids, most from divorced parents, but their parents would hardly be considered to be beacons of Rawathood inspiring all who knew them to come to Rawat but then again who is? Even stranger, of the premies I knew, the young man who is most committed to Rawat and very active in service is the child of a divorced couple who are the most unlikeable, unpleasant premie parents I’ve known and that is an opinion generally held by the premies in their local community.
Life is strange.