"Who can understand what it is like to be the wife of a perfect saint and the mother of a child with such divine power that he is completely changing the course of human life?"
I'm still waiting..........As I look at the shambles of this world, do I witness the fruits of rawat's message? Could we be any closer to the complete degradation of all life on this planet? Whatever effect he has had in this world has certainly not been for the betterment of life on Earth. Rawat has more than failed miserably, he has knowingly made fraudulent promises of world peace, suckered in many trusting souls, and now is revising his (and our) history. Far from "granting" great peace, "The Peace That Passeth All Understanding," he has destroyed lives, left many in confusion, and those few still clinging to him live in a daze of brainwashed delusion.
If God exists ( I do believe), and if prayer works (believe that too), this is my prayer:
That I call upon rawat to be given the full measure of his karma now, and that he be forced to look into the mirror of his life at the entire weight of his misdeeds. That there be no escape from this room in the Great Hall of Accounting until he has drunk fully from the cup of his karma. It would take a long time, I believe. What a wasted life. He could have actually done some good with his influence, his money, his fame.
The first time I saw rawat (June 4, 1972 in Philadelphia), he ended his ramble with a joke about a rich man trying to get into heaven. This speech was posted in AAID, Hilltop. This rich miser tries to talk his way past the angel at the gates by telling the angel that he had given 5 cents to a beggar, 10 cents to an orphan and 10 cents to a widow. The angel went to God to ask what he should do. Should he let this miser into heaven? God's reply was to give him back his quarter and tell him to go to hell. Has rawat's life been any different than this miser? I say give him his 40 tons of rice back and send him packing! ; -). The world doesn't need any more "perfect saints."
whose match burns brightly without that sucking windbag