Yeah, right....Elan Vital are such liars
Re: Re: Here's a heavy "Motivational Speaker" -- expirant Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
Joe ®

08/22/2005, 12:04:47
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Good God, this is an amazing statement from  Elan Vital:

Maharaji encourages those who do not appreciate his message to freely move on.

Well, aside from the split infinitive, there are a few things that could be criticized about the above statement.

I wonder if anybody can come up with a quote from Malibu Prem in which he actually ever said this, or anything similar?  For many years I guess he said you were "free" to "move on," as long as you were willing to go to hell, have tons of rotten vegetables inside your brain, and waste your entire life.  I wouldn't say those statements could be used as examples of when Maharaji "encourages" people to "move on." 

But poor Elan Vital, I mean, they do have a problem.  Rawat says and has said a a lot of things, many of which are inconvenient for this set of silly explanations EV is reaching for to try to explain away ex-premies and Rawat's past which they wish could be elimated from history.

I also think Malibu Prem has an ego problem when it comes to engaging in any such "encouragement."  See, he really does believe he is God, and "this knowledge" is the ultimate.  Ergo, by definition, there must be something really wrong with you, evil even, if you don't appreciate it.  Most of the aging, dwindling, hold-on premies, believe this as well.  Hence, you won't hear "encouragement" from them, either.

The second problem is that if you "move on" you must defintiely keep your big mouth shut about what you think about Rawat and his cult.  If you speak out in a public fashion in anything less than fawning terms, you are labled a member of a "hate group," and perhaps litigated into backruptcy and nervous collapse by cult-hired lawyers.

That doesn't constitue much "encouragement" either.


Modified by Joe at Mon, Aug 22, 2005, 12:16:07

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