Re: (Somewhat OT) Shocking examples of devotees' loyalty to their guru
Re: (Somewhat OT) Shocking examples of devotees' loyalty to their guru -- Andries Top of thread Forum
Posted by:
bhur ®

08/17/2005, 20:01:51
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Alleged victims, against Swami Preamananda, have withdrawn their testimonies and have accused the police of resorting to torture to force them to give testimonies against Swami Premananda. Dr. Wilson J. Wall, a world-class DNA expert, said (about Premananda's DNA):

“... When I say that the accused has not fathered this foetus, what I mean to say is that there is not even a chance, or even an infinitesimal chance of him being the father.

...Someone is trying to set-up Swami Premananda. The DNA case is a fabrication from start to finish. This deception throws a terrible shadow over validity of DNA fingerprinting if now there are scientists who are prepared to misuse it to find the innocent guilty.”

The facts (along with the recanted testimonies of alleged rape victims) can be found at the Justice For Swami Premananda Website.

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